
Happy New Year!

Ahhh, New Year's. December 31. With over 365 possibilities staring you in the face, it's no wonder people want to have a plan. But I've never been a fan of "resolutions". A resolution is nothing more than a promise to do something. It's the something - the goal - that's important.

I have a lot of goals for 2009. So far there are about 17 and the list is growing. I'm not going to throw them all out on the table now, but they might show up through out the year.

I'm a planner. I love to-do lists, but more importantly I love crossing things off my to-do list. My work life is no different. There I'm driven by the objective (big picture goal) which is supported by strategy (specific details). The strategy is broken down into individual tactics that make it all happen.

So for my top three goals of 2009 I'm making a plan. You know, once I decide what they are. I've never done this before. Never actually written them down. But hey, might as well give it a try. It just might work.

After all, here I am - not even half way through my "project" for 2008. And nothing bothers me more than not crossing something off my list!